So What is SE™?
Somatic Experiencing® Trauma Resolution
Somatic Experiencing® (SE™), developed by Peter A. Levine, PhD,
author of the bestseller, “Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma,” is a
potent psychobiological approach to resolving the symptoms of
trauma and chronic stress. Whether you are a medical or mental
health professional, addictions counselor, first responder, body
worker, educator, alternative medicine practitioner, or other helping
professional, the three-year SE™ Professional Training is a continuing education program that will help you make an even greater difference with your clients who suffer.
SE™ offers a framework to assess where your client is “stuck” in the
fight, flight, or freeze responses and provides clinical tools to resolve
these fixated physiological states that underlie so many trauma symptoms. Our educational model is both theoretical and highly experiential, offering you effective skills for restoring nervous system regulation and resolving trauma that can be immediately integrated into your professional practice.

Instead of focusing on the re-telling of traumatic events or personal history, SE™ aims to identify what is interfering with people’s internal threat-recovery process and helps clients develop tools for restoring their innate capacity to rebound from overwhelming experiences. By facilitating the completion of self-protective responses
and releasing survival energy that has become bound in the body, SE™ addresses the root cause of trauma symptoms.

Learn practical and effective skills that help resolve trauma without re-traumatization. These gentle, powerful interventions will inspire and empower your clients, restoring resilience and
providing them with a greater capacity to enjoy life.
Improve clinical outcomes. Enhance the depth and effectiveness of therapy by including body based awareness, somatic interventions and knowledge of the nervous systems response to trauma.
Have an extraordinary life experience. Many students find the SE™ training professionally and personally
transformative. Experience the power of compassionate healing and meaningful growth for yourself and those you serve.
Reduce compassion fatigue. The SE™ training helps increase your own resilience as a provider so that you have more energy and stamina for your work and experience greater pleasure and satisfaction in serving.
Linda Stelte
To learn more about Linda, and all of our Training Team-Assistants, click the link below:
The 2024 Cohort is now full, and we're no longer taking names for the wait list.
Please contact somaticexperiencingedmonton@gmail.com
to put on the email list to receive updated information on the next cohort.