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Application Process

If you are interested in applying to this fund for equitable access to SE training for members of the BIPOC and LGBTQ2S+ community, you are invited to answer the following questions to support us in developing an understanding of you and your intentions for this learning. There is no right way to apply, just your way. You are welcome to address these questions in any format that works for you: written answers to the questions, by video, essay, poetry, song, or any other form of expression.


If you would like to answer these questions in written format you can apply using the link below. If you wish to answer the application questions in another format please contact Melinda at


If you are selected as one of the successful applicants this means that you are admitted into the program.  There will be consent forms and a short registration form to fill out prior to the training starting. There are no other hidden requirements or expectations.


If you haven't already read the scholarship information here please do so before filling out the application.  We look forward to hearing from you!


The application deadline was May 3rd, 2024.

Equitable Access to SE Training Application Process

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