Beginning Level
Understand the physiological basis of trauma.
Learn about containment, resourcing and empowerment.
Study tracking skills, titration and establishing continuity through the felt sense.
Practice establishing defensive orienting responses, completion and discharge.
Explore coupling dynamics, the elements of internal experience (SIBAM), and integrating experiential polarities, in order to restore creative self-regulation.
Be able to identify, normalize, and stabilize traumatic reactions.
Attain skills to avoid pitfalls of re-traumatization and false memory.
Learn to uncouple fear from immobility; re-establish and maintain healthy boundaries.
Investigate the transformative qualities of trauma.
Integrate trauma work into ongoing therapy.
Acquire short-term solutions to acute and chronic symptoms.

Advanced Level
Two six day modules
Learn about the relationship of trauma to various clinical syndromes.
Further integrate SE theory and practice into the specialty area of the therapist.
SE bodywork in working with the different categories of trauma.
Application of research in the psychophysiology of trauma.

What You Learn

Intermediate Level
Examine the different categories and causes of traumatic shock and approaches to treating each case including:
Global High Intensity Trauma i.e. surgery, electrocution, hallucinogens, drowning, suffocation, strangulation, fetal distress, traumatic birth, intrauterine stress, and invasive medical procedures in utero.
Inescapable Attack i.e. by wild animals, rape, war, bombings, physical abuse, mugging, incest, molestation.
Physical Injury i.e. surgery, anesthesia, burns, poisoning, hospitalizations, stabbing, gunshot wounds.
Failure of Physical Defense i.e. falls, high impact accidents, head injury.
Emotional Trauma i.e. severe neglect and abandonment, severe loss, ongoing abuse.
Natural Disasters i.e. earthquakes, fires, tornadoes, floods, social dislocation from the natural world and community.
Horror i.e. seeing an accident (especially with blood, gore), watching someone else be abused, raped, killed or tortured, killing or hurting someone yourself.
Torture and Ritual Abuse i.e. war torture, repeated rape in war, concentration camp, and systematic abuse (sometimes with the person drugged).